Save big
$$$ with
Direct !


Kitchens, baths, wet
bars, pantries, closets


Apartment buildings,
housing developments,
business spaces

Factory Direct

Save big with our factory
direct shipping to your
home or business

We’re a female owned and operated business

Beth Stiltner
Sales & Design Director

Janet Golon


Beth Stiltner has 15 years experience in the home improvement industry. For the last eight years she has been working as a designer helping clients get their dream kitchens and baths. She previously worked at French’s Cabinet Gallery and Lowe’s. Her background in plumbing, electrical, appliances, flooring, and paint, give her an edge as a designer. She really enjoys hearing from her clients after the jobs are completed, how much they love the transformations she helped them achieve.


Janet Golon has been creating beautiful kitchens for years and wants to help others make their own dream kitchens a reality. Her background covers everything from fine dining to design and yes restaurants helped her discover what a kitchen needs to function as the center of the home. Where are we when our friends and family come over, we’re in the kitchen creating memories and great food. Kitchens need to be beautiful, functional, and not break the bank. 

Contact Beth: 615-854-8082

Contact Janet: 901-468-3628

Featuring framed, frameless, inset and open concept cabinetry by Koch and Bishop Cabinets

Click logos to view their catalogs


Need your cabinets in 4
weeks? Looking for
Frameless cabinets? We
have some of the shortest
delivery times available.


Factory painted cabinets
have as many as ten coats
of paint, every coat baked
on before the next coat of
paint is applied.


Designs that you can see
in 3-D within days of starting
the design process.
Changes can be made over
the phone as needed.


Every home has unique
features, we all have unique
taste. Ask about all the options
available when you custom
order your cabinets


Limited Lifetime
Guarantee. The minimum
guarantee covers you
for as long as you own
the home.


Our low overhead allows
us to sell for less giving
you better prices and
still provide professional
design service

Deposits and Final Payments